20 Jul What is Hijama?
What is Hijama?
Hijama (cupping) is a method of treatment in which a cup is put on various points of the body and reflex zones usually on the back, abdomen or legs to cause local congestion through a negative pressure created by a special pump. The negative pressure can be also created by introducing heat in the form of an ignited material. Stimulating these zones by drawing blood flow to them in turn stimulates the tissue and internal organs to which the zones are believed to correspond. Also, the cups create minor bruising; this triggers the immune system. Then the cup is removed and a small superficial incisions using a sterile surgical blade are made. The cups are re-placed and a negative pressure (vacuum) is created again. The created negative pressure pulls out the diseased blood out of the body that in turn poured into the cups and then the diseased blood is disposed.
Hijama has no side effects as long as performed properly. It is also worth noting that many diseases and disorders are associated with failure of blood to circulate properly in the body. Furthermore, we get sick or our body organs fail to perform healthily when our blood keep circulating loaded with toxins and other impurities. Unless the toxic waste is removed from the body or from the blood, not only we do not recover quickly from disease but also we become victims to other diseases. Hijama is an excellent way to remove the toxic waste from the blood stream, and the results will obviously be a healthy and properly functioning body. We should never forget that this highly useful and recommended Sunnah of the Prophet SAW helps us in controlling many diseases such as infections, hypertension, circulatory diseases, pains, infertility, cancer, etc.
Importance of Hijama in the Divine Guidance
Instead of depending on our own opinions in favor of cupping, we must see the following ahadith that are enough to explain its importance.
“Indeed in hijama (cupping) there is a cure”. – Saheeh Muslim
“Indeed, the best of remedies you have is hijama (cupping)”. – Saheeh Al Bukhari
“Hijama is the most helpful procedure for human beings to cure themselves”. – Saheeh Al Bukhari and Saheel Muslim
The importance of hijama in the divine guidance can further be stressed by the following words which were related to the Prophet SAW on the night of Israa (ascension to the heaven) by angles: “O Mohammed, encourage your ummah (people) to do hijama (cupping)”. – Saheeh, Sunan Tirmidhi.
The Prophet Muhammad (Allah’s peace be upon him) is reported to have had hijama performed on his head for a headache [Bukhari], on his foot after a sprain [Ibn Majah], on his neck [Abu Dawud], on his hip for hip pain [Abu Dawud] and between his shoulders for detoxification [Ahmed].
Abdullah ibn Abbas (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet (Allah’s peace be upon him) said: “I did not pass by an angel from the angels on the night journey except that they all said to me: Upon you is cupping (hijama), O Muhammad.” [Saheeh, Sunan ibn Majah]
“The best medicine with which you treat yourselves is cupping, or it is one of the best of your medicines.” Or “The treatment for you is cupping.” [Bukhari: 5371]
“Cupping is the most helpful procedure for human beings to cure themselves.” [Bukhari and Muslim]
Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger (Allah’s peace be upon him) said, “If there was something excellent to be used as a remedy then it is cupping (hijama).” [Sunan Abu Dawud, Sunan Ibn Majah]